Who can participate in the Lithuanian Riflemen's Union hackathon "Ugninis skydas 2024"?
Anyone who fills out the registration form and receives an invitation confirming their registration to participate in the hackathon.

Who can participate in the CTF game?
Anyone who fills out the registration form and receives an invitation confirming their registration to participate in the CTF game.

Is it possible to participate with just an idea and no prototype?
Yes, it is possible to participate with just an idea and develop it during the hackathon.

Is it possible to participate in the "Ugninis skydas 2024" hackathon with an already existing prototype?
Yes, it is possible to participate with an advanced idea or prototype.

Can I participate in the "Ugninis skydas 2024" hackathon alone, without a team?
Yes, on the first day of the event, Friday, there will be an opportunity to join an existing team or create a new one and find new team members.

Is it mandatory to participate in all three days of the "Ugninis skydas 2024" hackathon?
It is most beneficial to participate in all three days of the event. Participation on Saturday and Sunday is mandatory.

Can I attend the "Ugninis skydas 2024" hackathon as an observer without participating?
Currently, this option is not available.

How long will the CTF event last?
The CTF game will last exactly 24 hours.

Will the event be filmed?
The event may be filmed and photographed.

Who will own the prototypes created during the "Ugninis skydas 2024" hackathon?
The ownership of the prototypes created during the "Ugninis skydas 2024" hackathon will belong to the team that created them.